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No. 23899

Regional Economic Policy

Creating a favourable business environment is the target of our Regional Economic Policy Division. We support entrepreneurs by campaigning for accessibility, so that the region can be reached easily by road, rail, waterway or by air. We make sure that synergies with neighbouring regions can be exploited. To ensure that you have room for expansion, we initiate the designation of industrial and commercial areas in the towns and local communities.
In the case of the infrastructure and land use, the IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim is already involved at the planning stage. This benefits the regional economic development and of firms already located in the region, as well as, the ability to attract new firms. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s economic reports published on a regular basis provide a representative cross-sectional overview on economic activity and development. This information is available on our website.
In political dialogue with the government and parliaments, the IHK Osnabrück - Emsland - Grafschaft Bentheim advocates a reduction in the tax burden on companies and greater transparency in the tax and levy system. In fighting red tape, it aims to enhance the flexibility of entrepreneurial decisions. Taxes are an outstanding decision parameter when making investments. A simple and reliable system with low tariffs fosters investment activity and rewards successful investors.
We support entrepreneurs - and strengthen the region.
Frank Hesse
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Wirtschaftspolitik, International
Stv. Hauptgeschäftsführer, Geschäftsbereichsleiter
Anke Schweda
Standortentwicklung, Innovation und Energie
Geschäftsbereichsleiterin, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung