Die IHK für Ostfriesland und Papenburg unterstützt die bundesweite DIHK-Aktion „27 Prozent von uns - #KeineWirtschaftOhneWir“ und bekennt sich mit einer demonstrativen Beschneidung ihres Logos zu Vielfalt und Weltoffenheit in der deutschen Wirtschaft – und besonders hier vor Ort. Lesen Sie dazu auch die Mitteilung zum Aktionsstart.
Nr. 3374674

About Us

We are business. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry for East Frisia and Papenburg represents the interests of more than 30,000 local businesses. All local commercial companies in the East Frisia Area and in the city of Papenburg  are members of  our Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We therefore speak on behalf of companies of all sizes and from all sectors – from the kiosk owner on the corner to the international automotive group. For more than 150 years we have been committed to ensuring framework conditions which promote growth and prosperity: to freedom and competition, to open markets, to a stable currency, to good education and good infrastructure.
We are local. From Flensburg to Konstanz, from Essen to Dresden – Germany's CCIs are represented throughout Germany. The CCIs organise in-company training, provide information on taxes, marketing, innovation and business law, advice on starting a business and energy efficiency and arrange contacts with banks and savings banks. Ergo: the CCIs know where companies are feeling the pinch.
We are globally on site. The DIHK is coordinating the worldwide network of the German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs), Delegations and Representative Offices at 130 locations in 90 countries. The AHKs are representing the German economy abroad, promoting global business relationships through their extensive member network and are supporting companies from their host countries in entering the German market through their global service brand "DEinternational".
We are partners of politicians. Our roots in the region, our worldwide presence and our overview of the entire breadth of the economy – these three features make us the competent partner of politicians. We are consulted by politicians on laws that are relevant to the economy – whether at official hearings, in the daily contacts between our Chamber  experts and the specialists at the ministries, summit talks with secretaries of state, or ministers of the Lower Saxian Parliament. We support politicians in one of their important tasks: the deliberative balancing of interests between sectors of industry and company sizes.

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