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Welcome to the Chamber of Industry & Commerce (CCI) of Giessen-Friedberg.
Our mission is to improve the business climate and to provide valuable services to some 47,000 companies of the administrative areas of Giessen, Vogelsberg and Wetterau. We help small businesses as well as corporations grow and promote networking, educational forums and trade events.
© IHK Gi-Fb

(2024-06-19) - Over 100 companies and high-ranking representatives from all over the world networked in the Giessen Congress Centre. Top speakers from China and Nigeria shed light on investment opportunities and chances through global cooperation.

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Education creates life prospects. The education partnership between the Giessen-Friedberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Nigeria, which was agreed in 2012, has been running for six years. So far, 290 trainees from 125 companies have been mentored and, in addition, 310 trainers have been trained. These trainers, in turn, now train a total of around 3,000 trainees annually.

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Junge Menschen in Ausbildung bringen © Petra A. Zielinski

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