Work & Career

Job search

Professions in demand

You can obtain information about which professions in Germany are particularly in demand by way of a specialist bottleneck analysis (a so-called Fachkräftenengpassanalyse) offered by the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). The Fachkräftemonitor 2030 of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Baden-Wuerttemberg provides useful information about this especially for Baden-Wuerttemberg. 
Company websites
Large companies in particular publish their vacancies via their own corporate websites, frequently under the category “Jobs & Karriere” (Jobs & Careers). 

Federal Employment Agency / ZAV

The Federal Employment Agency also provides the online job portal “Jobbörse” with vacancies all over Germany. 
ZAV (International Placement Services)
If you have not arrived in Germany yet and are interested in finding a job here, you can also turn to the ZAV that forms part of the Federal Employment Agency. 

EURES – The European Job Mobility Portal

The EURES job portal is the network of the European Job Mobility Portal for promoting job mobility within Europe. It provides information, advice and placements for employers and employees who would like to make use of the right of freedom of movement. EURES is available in 25 languages and covers vacancies from 31 countries. 

Regional job exchanges in the Northern Black Forest

Job/career exhibitions

Another way of looking for a job is by way of job exhibitions. You can find these via the Berufsstart website. 

Regional daily newspapers

Schwarzwälder Bote (Calw and Freudenstadt)

Other International Job Portals