
Südafrika - Geschenke über die Grenze

1. Geschenksendungen im Postverkehr  

Grundfall: Ein deutsches Unternehmen sendet per Post/Paketdienst bzw. Spediteur ein Geschenkpaket an einen Kunden.  Das Paket enthält (alternativ) folgende Gegenstände: Konditorgebäck, luftdicht verpackte Lebensmittel, Werbetasse aus Keramik oder Porzellan, Schreibutensilien, Parfüm, alkoholische Getränke (Wein) oder Kaffee.  

1.1 Anmeldung und Deklaration der Geschenksendung

Ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung notwendig oder können Geschenke vereinfacht angemeldet werden?
  • Yes, a customs declaration is necessary. Other supporting documents necessary will depend on the mode of how the parcel is “mailed”.
    If sent via normal post/mail, then:

    The declaration used to clear goods through the Post Office differs from the usual declaration submitted to Customs. Any form or label (CN 22/23) affixed to or completed by the sender in respect of the postal article, giving the description of the contents and value, is deemed to be a declaration for importation. It has to be clearly indicated here that the goods are “gifts”.

    Certain importations/exportations through the Post Office are excluded from the special clearance/release procedure and must be cleared at a Customs Branch Office, in the prescribed manner, as set out by legislation. These include:

    Imports, where the intention is to have the goods cleared as follows, must be cleared at the nearest Customs Branch Office prior to collecting the article from the Post Office:

    Under any items of Schedule 2 (Anti-dumping, Countervailing and Safeguard Duties on Imported Goods) or 4 (General Rebates of Customs Duties, Fuel Levy and Environmental Levy) of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Tariff Book) , with the exclusion of (amongst others)the following mail articles:

    Unsolicited gifts provided for under Item 412.10 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Tariff Book) (“BONA FIDE unsolicited gifts of not more than two parcels per person per calendar year and of which the value per parcel does not exceed R1 400 (excluding goods contained in passenger baggage, wine, spirits and manufactured tobacco (including cigarettes and cigars)) consigned by natural persons abroad to natural persons in the Republic”)
    In other words, this can be cleared at the Post Office if marked as gift
Welche Dokumente müssen dem Paket beigefügt werden?
  • Required documentation varies according to the following factors:
  • Whether you are shipping dutiable goods with a commercial value?
    Whether you are shipping by mail or courier/agent?
  • Goods shipped by “mail” with a commercial value, should on the label have a description of the contents, the value thereof as well as an indication that it is a “gift”
    Goods shipped by courier/agent should have a waybill and a commercial invoice together with the “Bill of Entry” declaration.
Werden Zollinhaltserklärungen nach dem Weltpostvertrag anerkannt?
  • The declaration used to clear goods through the Post Office differs from the usual declaration submitted to Customs. Any form or label (CN 22/23) affixed to or completed by the sender in respect of the postal article, giving the description of the contents and value, is deemed to be a declaration for importation. It has to be clearly indicated here that the goods are “gifts”.
  • Wie ist das Paket als Geschenksendung zu kennzeichnen?
  • The label description should include the wording “gift” and from whom to whom.

1.2 Erhält der Empfänger die Sendung Zoll- und/oder Abgabenfrei?

  • If sent by mail, a customs clearance fee of R50.10 is charged on all incoming parcels and R25.85 on all other postal items. This fee is charged by the Post Office to cover costs incurred in clearing the parcel/postal item on behalf of the addressee.
    This fee is levied over and above any customs duties (South Africa and the European Community do have a Free Trade Agreement, thus most items will be subject to no or a lower customs duty), VAT, etc charged by SARS or any other entities and is levied even if no other charges are due.
    Parcels sent by courier/agent will also be subject to any customs duties (if applicable), VAT and other charges.

1.3 Gibt es Allgemeine Wertgrenzen oder produktbezogene Wertgrenzen im Postverkehr?   

  • R 1.400

1.4 Bestehen für bestimmte Geschenksendungen Einfuhrauflagen bzw. -verbote?

Welche Waren dürfen nicht eingeführt werden?
  • Bank notes and coins
  • Arms and ammunition
  • Live animals and plants
  • Liquids
  • Narcotics
  • Jewellery and precious metals
  • Explosives
  • Perishables
  • Dangerous chemicals
Welche Waren unterliegen speziellen Einfuhrauflagen? 
  • Please note, that the following commodities are subject to inspections by the relevant government department before being cleared or dispatched to their intended destination:
    All Medications (including prescriptions, vitamins, enhancers, skin lightening creams, herbal products, etc.) are subject to inspection by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). Plants, vegetables, etc are subject to inspection by the Department of Agriculture. Animals and their articles thereof are subject to inspection by the State Vet. Please allow up to a period of 48 working hours for the inspection process to be finalised.

1.5 Gibt es Abweichungen bei Geschenksendungen von/an Privatpersonen?

  • Unfortunately, we have no information on this.

2. Geschenksendungen, die im Reiseverkehr mitgenommen werden

Grundfall: Ein Mitarbeiter eines deutschen Unternehmens reist mit dem Flugzeug ins Ausland, um sich dort mit Geschäftspartnern zu treffen. In seinem Reisegepäck hat er verschiedene Geschenke z.B. Konditorgebäck, luftdicht verpackte Lebensmittel, Werbetasse aus Keramik oder Porzellan, Schreibutensilien, Parfüm, alkoholische Getränke (Wein) oder Kaffee, die er beim Meeting überreichen möchte.

2.1 Anmeldung und Deklaration der Geschenksendung    

Ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung notwendig oder können Geschenke vereinfacht angemeldet werden?
  • After arriving in South Africa, a traveller needs to complete the Traveller Card (see number 5 below) before proceeding to Immigration.
    If something is to be declared, the Traveller Card and passport are scanned and a verbal declaration is made, which is captured on the system by a Customs officer. This information forms the basis of a Traveller Declaration form (TRD1). The TRD1 will also be used as a Temporary Import Permit (TIP) and Temporary Export Permit (TXP).
    If the goods in the traveller’s possession fall within the duty-free allowance, and there are no prohibited or restricted goods in their possession, and they do not have any commercial goods (imported for trade purposes) and do not have gifts, carried on behalf of others, they proceed to the Green Channel, unless instructed otherwise by a Customs Official.
Welche Dokumente müssen beigefügt werden?
  • A Traveller Card (also called a TC01 form), needs to be completed by those arriving in South Africa who have something to declare to Customs.

2.2 Kann das Geschenk Zoll- und/oder Abgabenfrei im Reiseverkehr eingeführt werden?

  • Travellers are allowed new or used goods in accompanied baggage to the value of R5 000, excluding personal effects (or R25 000 if arriving from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia or Swaziland).

2.3 Gibt es allgemeine Wertgrenzen oder produktbezogene Wertgrenzen im Reiseverkehr? 

  • Travellers are allowed new or used goods in accompanied baggage to the value of R5 000, excluding personal effects (or R25 000 if arriving from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia or Swaziland).

2.4 Bestehen für bestimmte Geschenksendungen Einfuhrauflagen bzw. -Verbote?   

Welche Waren dürfen nicht eingeführt werden?
  • The importation of the following goods into South Africa is strictly prohibited:
  • Narcotic and habit-forming drugs in any form
  • Fully automatic, military and unnumbered weapons
  • Explosives and fireworks
  • Poison and other toxic substances
  • Cigarettes with a mass of more than 2kg per 1 000
  • Goods to which a trade description or trademark is applied in contravention of any Act (for example, counterfeit goods)
  • Unlawful reproductions of any works subject to copyright
  • Penitentiary or prison-made goods
Welche Waren unterliegen speziellen Einfuhrauflagen?
  • Certain goods may only be imported if you have the necessary authority/permit. Examples are:
  • Firearms / Weapons
  • Gold coins
  • Unprocessed minerals (e.g., gold, diamonds, etc.)
  • Animals, plants and their products (e.g., animal skins, dairy products, honey)
  • Medicine (excluding sufficient quantities for three months for own personal treatment
  • accompanied by a letter or certified prescription from a registered physician)
  • Herbal products (Department of Health permit required)

2.5 Gibt es bei Geschenken an bzw. von Privatpersonen Abweichungen?

  • Unfortunately, we have no information on this. 

3. Landestypische Besonderheiten

3.1 Welche Geschenke sind zwischen Geschäftspartnern üblich?

  • Gifts that are clearly of an advertising, promotional or corporate gifting nature – such as business diaries, calendars, pencils, mugs and branded T-shirts. More formal gifts include wine etc.
Ist es im Geschäftsleben üblich, zu Weihnachten Geschenke zu machen?
  • Yes, mostly as private gifts.

3.2 Zu welchen Anlässen bietet es sich an, Geschenke zu machen (Feiertage, Namenstage, Geburtstage, landestypische Geschenkanlässe)?

  • Birthday and or engagement gifts, however, because of the perceived danger of corruption, most gifts are viewed with caution.

3.3 Welche Geschenke sollten unbedingt vermieden werden?

  • Gifts which may be perceived as a bribe.

3.4 Bis zu welchem Betrag sind Geschenke angemessen und mit nationalem Recht vereinbar?

  • For the private sector, there is no law governing the amount and companies may have internal regulations, however, government officials have to declare any gift over the amount of R350, for members of parliament this amount is R1500. 
Dieses Merkblatt wurde mit größter Sorgfalt erarbeitet und zusammengestellt. Dennoch kann es sicherlich nicht alle denkbaren Fragen beantworten, und in Zweifelsfällen sollten Sie deshalb die jeweilige AHK vor Ort kontaktieren. Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit des Inhalts sowie für zwischenzeitliche Änderungen können wir keine Gewähr übernehmen.

Unser besonderer Dank gilt wie immer den Kolleginnen und Kollegen der deutschen Auslandhandelskammern (AHKs), ohne deren tatkräftige Unterstützung wir diesen Leitfaden nicht hätten realisieren können.

Anregungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge nehmen wir gerne entgegen. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine allzeit gute Reise und ein gutes Händchen bei der Auswahl der Geschenke.