
Our Services at a Glance

Know-how and Expertise
  • about market size and market performance abroad
  • about the economic, political and legal frameworks in foreign markets
  • about common business strategies
  • about business culture and local habits
Individual Consulting
  • market potential of German products and services in specific foreign markets
  • trade finance and export risks
  • customs and trade restrictions
  • delivery of goods and logistics
  • suitable distribution channels
Establishing Contact
  • to the network of the German Chambers abroad at 140 locations in 92 countries
  • to institutions, trade organizations, technical specialists and entrepreneurs in foreign markets
  • to the representatives and partners of the Federal State of Niedersachsen
Know-how Transfer
  • technical seminars about export and import methods
  • round-tables with international experts
  • business delegations for entrepreneurs
  • online newsletter
Stand: 05.12.2022