Sector description

Service industry

Sector description

The service industry is a mainstay of Hamburg’s economy. We all – businesses and individuals alike - benefit on a daily basis from what Hamburg’s service industry offers, be it office services, education opportunities, business- and household-related services, event services, security services or private job mediation. Hamburg’s service sector is diverse and very heterogeneous.
As a service hub, Hamburg is characterised by its wide array of sectors. Information on the main sub-sectors of the service industry – the financial and insurance industry, the real estate industry, IT, the media and creative industry, the health care industry and the consultancy industry - can be found on dedicated sector pages.

Economic data         

Key figures of the service industry* Total
Number of companies 19.800
Employees subject to social insurance contributions 62.000
Size group of the companies
1-3 employees
4-9 employees
10-49 employees
> 49 employees
*the large subsectors are not considered

Current climate of the service industry    

The calculated business climate indicator for the Hamburg economy and the respective sectors results from the assessments of the current situation and future development. The resulting values ​​are between 0 and 200 index points.