Sector description

Real estate industry

Sector description

The real estate industry is the sector that dominates Hamburg’s cityscape. Hamburg is one of Germany’s top real estate centres. The city benefits from its diversified industry structure, a flourishing population and economy, its favourable location and a good quality of life. All of these factors result in ever greater demand for residential and commercial real estate.
Hamburg’s real estate industry is also a driver of growth and a major employer in the city. In the narrow sense of the term, the real estate industry comprises estate agents, property management companies, and property lessors and sellers. Additionally, it includes project developers, building contractors and planning companies.

Economic data

Key figures of the real estate industry Total
Number of companies 19.072
Real estate industry 10.883
Construction 6.982
Urbanism 1.194
Financing 13
Employees subject to social insurance contributions 51.694
Real estate industry 27.812
Construction 12.929
Urbanism 8.667
Financing 2286
Size range of the companies
1-3 employees 17.750
4-9 employees 893
10-49 employees 324
> 49 employees 105

Current climate of the real estate industry

The calculated business climate indicator for the Hamburg economy and the respective sectors results from the assessments of the current situation and future development. The resulting values ​​are between 0 and 200 index points.

Committee for the urban and regional development

Günter Elste
Supervisory Board
Hamburger Sparkasse AG
Please contact the committee at: