Sector description

Health care industry

Sector description

The health care industry is an interdisciplinary sector with numerous submarkets. The core area, the so-called primary health care market, relates to conventional health care, with services that are primarily financed by the statutory health insurance companies.
The secondary health care market comprises all privately financed health care products and services.
In all, more than 6,400 companies in the health care industry are active in the primary and secondary health care markets in Hamburg.
Hamburg’s health care industry is a growth sector and a major employer in the city: just under one in seven people in Hamburg works in this sector and approximately one in eleven euros in Hamburg’s economy is generated in the health care area. The health care industry is therefore a key contributor to Hamburg’s economy as a whole.

Economic data

Key figures of the health care industry Data
Number of companies
Employees subject to social insurance contributions
Size range of the companies
-1-3 employees
-4-9 employees
-10-49 employees
>50 employees

Current climate in the health care industry            

The calculated business climate indicator for the Hamburg economy and the respective sectors results from the assessments of the current situation and future development. The resulting values ​​are between 0 and 200 index points.

Committee for the health care industry

Dr. Andreas Gent
Board member
HanseMerkur Versicherungsgruppe
Please contact the committee at:

Committee for corporate health

Daniel Lorenzen
Lorenzen Training KG
Please contact the committee at: