Sector description

Foreign trade

Sector description

Global trade and open borders are as important to Hamburg as water is to a fish. Hamburg’s merchants have maintained business relations all over the world for centuries. Hamburg is home to approximately 1,125 companies whose main line of business is global trade or international trade mediation.
Foreign traders first and foremost trade globally in capital goods and consumer goods. Their many years of experience and their global networks make foreign traders a crucial partner to the manufacturing industry and to the domestic trade sector. Foreign traders are active all over the world. They are continuously giving their German and international clients access to new markets, thereby contributing to making the array of products on offer even more diverse.
Exporters ensure that products from all over the world can enter foreign markets and then make it to the industry and to consumers. They also offer export-related services such as financing, insurance, customer service and market development.
Importers see to it that German and European industry has a steady supply of commodities and semi-finished products coming in from abroad and that consumers in Germany and throughout Europe can purchase all sorts of international products.

Economic Data

Key figures of foreign trade Data
Number of companies  
Employees subject to social insurance contributions
Size range of the companies
1-3 employees
4-9 employees
10-49 employees
> 49 employees
Source: Handelskammer Hamburg

Current climate in the foreign trade           

The calculated business climate indicator for the Hamburg economy and the respective sectors results from the assessments of the current situation and future development. The resulting values ​​are between 0 and 200 index points. You can find further results of the Hamburg economic barometer here.

Committee for the foreign trade

Robert Lorenz-Meyer
Managing Director,
Beteiligungsgesellschaft Ernst Russ m.b.H.
Please contact the committee at: