What we stand for

Why is there a statutory membership requirement for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)? Lawmakers decided in favour of obligatory membership so that the IHK could represent the overall interests of all commercial enterprises in a region. If IHK membership was voluntary, then the composition of its membership would be the result of coincidence.
In the IHK, the state has an authorised authority, a prestigious dialogue partner, a consultant and an expert assessor. The IHK knows the economic situation and the companies in its region. It takes a long-term approach and endeavours to find the best common solutions for all concerned. If IHK membership was voluntary, then the composition of its membership would be the result of coincidence. However, because the IHK represents all commercial enterprises as a financially independent institution, it is highly respected by both political and administrative bodies. If whole groups of enterprises were not enlisted as members, then the Chamber would not be in a position to gain sufficient insight into their situations. In this case, the comprehensive competence and objectivity of the Chamber would no longer be guaranteed.

The tasks of the Darmstadt IHK are:
  • the representation of commercial interests within the the IHK region towards the German state and federal authorities,
  • performing the tasks conferred upon it by the authorities and
  • performing services for the members of the Chamber.
  • The IHK conducts the intermediate and final examinations for vocational education and training. To this end, the Chamber establishes examination rules and sets up examination boards.
  • The IHK carries the overriding responsibility concerning professional training. Within the scope of the legislative framework, it determines the necessary regulations and monitors their implementation. It registers the apprenticeship contracts and advises both the apprentices and their instructors.
  • The IHK provides commentaries on proposed legislation and regulations in general. In this process, it also takes account of any conflicting interests between small and large enterprises, manufacturers and traders and consignors and the transport industry.
  • The IHK also comments on planning proposals in which the separate interests of different branches of industry must be weighed up.
  • The IHK appoints and swears in independent experts for practically all areas of commercial activity. Public authorities, courts, manufacturers, suppliers, customers and insurance companies all profit from this.
  • The IHK comments on trade registry entries and trademarks. Here, it must reconcile the interests of the applicant in having the maximum advertising effect, with the interests of the remainder of the industry in preserving the verity of company names and signs.
  • The IHK comments on public auctions. Here, it balances the interests of the affected companies, competitors, suppliers, creditors and landlords.
Without the obligatory membership in the IHK, the state would have to take on these tasks with separate offices and authorities. We are absolutely convinced that we execute these tasks for the economy as a whole in a more business-friendly, cost-efficient and flexible manner.